Thursday, April 14, 2011

April Sunshine!

I apologize for my tardiness in posting ...... as Mom continues to regain "herself", most days repeat themselves without new developments.

I think the most dramatic changes that are occurring are her increased stamina and positive spirits.  She is becoming stronger each day and I believe this is very encouraging to her.  She is in this final recovery phase where all the work to be done - is by she, herself.

Today, after speech therapy, we ran a few errands.  We made a stop out at the Kennedy Park softball fields.  Mom got into the driver's seat and took a few spins around the parking lot!
Driving for the first time in over six months!!

Natalie, her therapist thinks she will be ready for another swallow test in a couple of weeks.  This is really good news as this will be the indicator as to how soon she can begin swallowing food.  Today they tried some apple juice and apple sauce and Mom did very well!!!  She said it tasted VERY good!

We are looking forward to another excursion at the end of the month.  This time it will be to Santa Cruz with Sr. Anne, Jean and Mary Anne for their annual vacation at the sister's beach house.  Mom and I will go down with them the day after Easter and stay for a few days.  This is a trip they all look forward to each year and has been a special GOAL for Mom to achieve - which she has!!!

Mom's garden is in bloom, beautiful azaleas and rhododendrons - even the roses are beginning to bloom!  Things have a way of coming full circle - don't they?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Braving New Experiences

Mom's days continue to be filled with multiple forms of therapy.  Her voice and swallowing has improved so much, it's wonderful!  She is sleeping more restfully at night with less and less trouble with aspirating her saliva.  Her strength and endurance is improving miraculously.

This week, Mom was brave enough to travel with Tim and I in our RV.  We had made plans months ago to attend a group gathering of friends at the Jackson Rancheria RV Park.  Mom came over with us on Tuesday morning and I brought her back to Napa yesterday.  She did great and spent most of Wednesday outside, enjoying the scenery and fresh air.  Here are a few pictures from her new experience RVing.

Just checking things out

Enjoying the warm weather!

Concentrating on her hand of Pinochle

Preparing hors d'oeuvres for Happy Hour

Crocheting bunnies for Easter
By the way ... she beat both of us at Chinese Checkers and Pinochle!!

Next week she has an appointment with Dr. Mirda.  I expect her first scan will be ordered at that time.  I will post again with an update following that appointment.

We hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful Spring weather!
