Today is Saturday, July 9th. It has been 11 days since surgery and Mom is really doing quite well, despite the complications she has experienced thus far.
Yesterday's challenge was her feeding tube. The tube has been a source of annoyance for her since it was originally put in back in December. It has leaked and occasionally been painful. Here at the hospital, over the last several days - the pain and leakage has increased. They took her downstairs to Intervention Radiology yesterday afternoon to see if they could correct these issues for her.
What they discovered was that the hole in her stomach is larger than the tube. The hole should be just slightly larger than the tube, but hers is much larger. The contents of her stomach; acids, medications and nutritional feedings - are leaking out. These fluids are causing a skin irritation that is painful for her. The tissues around the hole are also inflamed.
Her team of doctors have stopped the use of her feeding tube and are consulting with the UCSF General Surgeons as to what would be the best solution for her. She needs to have good nutrition for healing. Many of her medications are also administered through the tube.
As of right now, (about 10:00 am) we are waiting to hear the doctors' recommendations. We expect something will be done this weekend so that nutrition and medications can be resumed ASAP.
Otherwise, she is doing great. Sleeping well at night, sitting up in her chair for several hours during the day, taking walks around the ward, reading newspapers and magazines, playing cards and board games and Skyping with family!
We will keep you all posted as we know more. Keep the prayers coming her way!!