Thursday, January 20, 2011

23/35 AND 5/8 !!!!!!

It's hard to believe Mom has completed over half her treatments of both radiation and chemotherapy!  We are almost finished with the fifth week.

She had visits with four doctors this week; Dr. Mirda - her chemo oncologist on Monday, Dr. Knister - her radiation oncologist on Tuesday, Dr. Freeto - her gastro doctor and Dr. Ryan - her Ear, Nose & Throat surgeon today.  Wow - how many of you GET to see so many physicians?  And they all love her!  You can imagine how many heart pins were handed out this week!

We received POSITIVE reports from all the doctors.  The treatments are progressing as they should and Mom's reactions and symptoms from the treatments are normal.  She has been such a "trooper" through all of this!

The current challenge is the burn in her neck area.  It is very sensitive and the skin is very delicate.  We are slathering her with moisturizer frequently, in attempts to protect it as best as we can.  It is still painful for her and might possibly get worse as we finish out the remainder of the radiation in the coming two weeks. 

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the fantastic spring-like weather we are having!



  1. Thank you Pattie for keeping us all informed. Wish I could be there to share your spring-like weather -- we have another white blanket of snow covering us here in Nashville.

    Love and Hugs to all,
    Mary Ellen

  2. Grams...glad to hear that you are getting positive results! You have just a few more treatments...yeah! It continues to rain here...and rain, and rain some more! Aubrey gets bigger every day...and more beautiful! Work is busy...end of our year, so we are doing inventories, keeps me hopping from city to city! I am headed to Montana & Idaho next week...then home for a few days and then headed over to Spokane. I love you...hugs for everyone!
