Friday, February 11, 2011


Mom has completed her final day of treatment!  What an accomplishment this amazing woman has made.  35 radiation fractions and 8 chemotherapy infusions, a terrible sore throat and painful radiation burn, pneumonia and exhaustion - but she did it!!!!  We are all so, so proud of her.

She has had such wonderful support from all of you and we as a family are so grateful for this.  Having this awesome support system made these long days bearable.  Your words and prayers of encouragement have carried her through!
She did it!  Mom with her Radiation Graduation Certificate
I have put together a small collage of photos from today to share with all of you.  It was an emotional day for all of us.  We are so thankful she had such wonderful care from the staffs at both Queen of the Valley and Redwood Regional Medical Group.

(Click to enlarge)
Row 1
Packing up for her final day
Going to radiation
Mom and I at radiation
Beth and all of us

Row 2
Margaret and Mom at radiation
Dr. Knister and Mom
Mom and her "mask"
Dr. Knister and Mom

Row 3
Leaving radiation
Mom and Margaret at chemo
Pam getting chemo started
Mom and I at chemo

Row 4
Robbie and Mom
Chillin' at chemo
Finishing up at chemo
Back Home!!!

Now we begin the the healing process.  In about one month she will start a Cancer Wellness program at the Queen.  This will be a multi faceted program that will help her regain her strength both physically and mentally.  We are looking forward to beginning this process.  But first, the radiation burn - inside and out - needs to heal. 

I will continue to update this blog as we progress through the coming months of healing.  Thank you - everyone - for your support and prayers.



  1. Grams...I cried when I read this...I am so proud of you! And so thankful that we have such an amazing family! You will continue to be in my thoughts as you go thru the healing stage...and I hope Pattie will keep us posted! Michael is eager to bring the baby down to see you...I am hoping for April? I will keep in touch and you will let us know! She is growing bigger every day...and smiling now! Get mom to Skype with you...and show you...she is just beautiful! I will email some updated pictures! Work will keep me busy thru March as I have to travel to Cleveland and Pheonix. I love you...

  2. congratulations Grandma Mary!!! We are so happy that you are now in healing mode!!!!! We will continue to monitor your progress and hope to be able to see you soon!!!
    The Long Beach Weber's
    Paula, Vicente and Judy
