Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Talking is a Good Thing!

This past week Mom has been working very hard with her strength, speech and swallowing.  She has multiple trainers - all assisting her with regaining her normal abilities.

She is utilizing the treadmill and recumbent bicycle at the Wellness Center.  She has numerous tongue exercises for speech and swallowing.  It's actually a lot of work - all things we take for granted each and every day.  She is giving it great effort!

The Modified Barium Swallow test was done yesterday.  This did show that Mom is aspirating thin liquids.  She needs to continue diligently with her swallowing exercises to prevent the risk of pneumonia.

Natalie, her speech therapist, wants her to talk frequently - every hour.  Mom's voice is slowing coming back.  Right now it is more of a croak!  Each day it will get better and better.

This morning she had a pedicure and tomorrow will have her hair done.  It's great for her to get back out into the real world!  Every excursion she makes - strengthens her.

We meet with Dr. Knister on Friday for a radiation follow up.  I know he will have positive words of encouragement for her.

With so much therapy in front of her - it takes a strong mental commitment to recovery.  I know Mom has the fortitude and determination to get through this and succeed!

Happy 13th Birthday to James!


  1. Oh... So good to see smiles. Happy Birthday James, youngest grandchild is a teenager... wow. Glad you are getting better mom. Loved talking with you.

    Hugs and Love!

  2. Louis Lucien Bertain 111June 10, 2011 at 8:01 AM

    Happy Birthday to both of you, we are so glad things are getting better for aunt Mary. We send you are prayers for a speedy recovery and hope that the plans for a family reunion next year will bring us all together again.
